Bugs and Amphibians Embroidery Designs

Bugs and Amphibians

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$4.80 FSL Realistic Butterfly 2, 7 - 4x4 $4.80 FSL Realistic Butterfly 2, 6 - 5x7 $4.80 FSL Realistic Butterfly 2, 4 - 4x4 $4.80 FSL Realistic Butterfly 2, 3 - 4x4 $4.80 FSL Realistic Butterfly 2, 2 - 4x4 $4.80 FSL Realistic Butterfly 2, 1 - 4x4 $14.00 FSL Realistic Butterfly 2 Set $40.00 Modern Applique Bugs Set - 8x10 $40.00 Modern Applique Bugs Set - 6x8 $40.00 Modern Applique Bugs Set - 5x7 $55.00 Modern Applique Bugs Set - 3 Sizes! $3.79 Love Bug Border $3.00 Sweet Snail 10 - 4x4 $3.00 Sweet Snail 9 - 4x4 $3.00 Sweet Snail 8 - 4x4 $3.00 Sweet Snail 7 - 4x4 $3.00 Sweet Snail 6 - 4x4 $3.00 Sweet Snail 5 - 4x4 $3.00 Sweet Snail 4 - 4x4 $3.00 Sweet Snail 3 - 4x4 $3.00 Sweet Snail 2 - 4x4 $3.00 Sweet Snail 1 - 4x4 $4.79 Dragonfly Floral - 4x4 $2.60 Box Girl Applique 6 - 4 Sizes! $2.50 Spider Bag - 4x4 $4.79 Butterfly Paisley Red - 4x4 $4.79 Butterfly Paisley Purple - 4x4 $4.79 Butterfly Paisley Green - 4x4 $4.79 Butterfly Paisley Pink - 4x4 $4.79 Butterfly Paisley Orange - 4x4 $4.79 Butterfly Paisley Blue - 4x4 $5.00 Little Sunbonnet 1 - 5x5 $3.09 Halloween Spider - 4x4 $3.99 Spider - 3 Sizes! $40.00 Halloween Fancies Set - 10x12 $40.00 Halloween Fancies Set - 8x10 $40.00 Halloween Fancies Set - 6x8 $40.00 Halloween Fancies Set - 5x7 $60.00 Halloween Fancies Set - 4 Sizes! $2.60 Halloween Saying 10 - 4 Sizes! $2.60 Halloween Saying 4 - 4 Sizes! $4.00 Get Buzzed - 3 Sizes! $3.00 Prince Frog - 2 Sizes! $20.00 Quilted Bookmarks Set -5x7 $40.00 Frightful Fancies Set $15.00 Butterfly Beauty Blocks Set - 14x14 $15.00 Butterfly Beauty Blocks Set - 10x12 $15.00 Butterfly Beauty Blocks Set - 8x10 $15.00 Butterfly Beauty Blocks Set - 6x8 $15.00 Butterfly Beauty Blocks Set - 5x7 $35.00 Butterfly Beauty Blocks Set - 5 Sizes! $5.99 Amusing Turtle $3.79 Green Butterfly - 4x4 $40.00 Butterfly Fantasies Set - 8x10 $40.00 Butterfly Fantasies Set - 6x8 $40.00 Butterfly Fantasies Set - 5x7 $60.00 Butterfly Fantasies Set - 3 Sizes! $40.00 Chinese Paintings - 5x7 $3.79 Bee You-tiful - 4x4 $3.50 Garden Snail Applique - 3 Sizes!