Charming Chick Shelf Sitter - 8x12
You only need to hoop twice when creating this adorable chap. Beak, comb, flap, feet and wings are prepared in the 1st one. Main part is done in the 2nd hooping. There is some hand sewing required to complete the project. Achieve amazing effects and an eye catching finish by combining interesting fabrics and threads. See PDF below for sizes and details.

Charming Chick Shelf Sitter - 8x12

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Inspiration Mutz
Price 16.00
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You only need to hoop twice when creating this adorable chap. Beak, comb, flap, feet and wings are prepared in the 1st one. Main part is done in the 2nd hooping. There is some hand sewing required to complete the project.
Achieve amazing effects and an eye catching finish by combining interesting fabrics and threads. See PDF below for sizes and details.

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